Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Beginnings...


I'm Katie, welcome to my blog 'Sipping~Coconuts'. 

"Why Sipping~Coconuts? "You ask... Well, back in 2006 I set off on a three week camp to Vanuatu (If you're now asking "where in the world is that?" do a Google's much more fun for you to find out for yourself. And for even more fun do a search on Google Images!) I had already been to Vanuatu a few times before and it had captured my heart! By the end of three weeks I had decided to stay another six months. Lots of people asked me if I sat on the beach sipping on coconuts all day.

The day I left for Vanuatu was the beginning of a new journey for me. One that no one, myself included, would have dreamed I would end up on. Some days I still think it must all be a dream!

That six months I ended up staying for turned into three years! That three years brought about a boyfriend and then a marriage proposal, a move to a new country, a new language to learn and generally just a new start.

So this is the first step of more new things, exciting things to come as I continue in this journey.

Come and join me.


  1. What an exciting story - it sounds so romantic! Thanks for stopping by my blog - did you come across it via Smile and Wave (Great blog!)? I love the big Bonne Maman jars too - I think they'd look nice with cotton reels or buttons in. I think they'd look beautiful as a novel way to serve Eton mess or trifles too.
    Have fun blogging! Katie x

  2. Thanks,It has definitely been an exciting journey! Yes, it was via Smile and Wave,awesome blog! Tea light candles look great in jam jars too! :)
